

Light soft foods or liquids are advisable. Avoid foods that are spicy, seeds, or difficult to chew until you can tolerate to do so.


A certain amount og pain following a biopsy is common. A pain medication will be prescribed for you. Take the pain medication only when needed. Pain medication in some cases will have the tendency to cause nausea, vomiting, and a faint feeling. If this happens, discontinue the medication and take 2-3 Tylenol or Aspirin every 4 hours as needed for pain.


A small amount of bleeding is to be expected following a biopsy. This will be in the form of oozing and may continue for 24-48 hours. If the surgical site is actively bleeding, place a folded gauze pack over the site and manually compress the gauze and tissue. Maintain pressure against the area for 5-10 minutes. Replace the gauze and repeat the procedure for another 5-10 minutes. If the bleeding does not stop, place a gauze over the area and call the office immediately.

Swelling and Discoloration of the Soft Tissues

The surgical area will swell. To minimize the swelling use an ice pack against the skin over the surgical site. The pack should be used 20 minutes of each hour for the first 24 hours. Use heat after the first 24 hours. You may use a heating pad or moist heat. Heat should be used 20 minutes of each hour.

Discoloration of the skin, or the tissue of the lip, gum, cheek or tongue at the location of the biopsy can occur. The discoloration will begin as red, then blue, and then yellow before diminishing. Do not become alarmed. This is nothing more than blood oozing at the surgical site under the tissue. It usually takes 2-3 weeks to go away.


A numb feeling usually occurs at the surgical site of the biopsy. This occurs because the nerves at the surgical site are part of the lesion. The numb feeling will in due time correct itself.

Healing of the Surgical Site

Healing usually takes 7-14 days. The area will feel rough for a period of 3-6 months.

Recurrence of the Lesion

Some lesions have a tendency to recur. If you feel that the lesion is recurring, return to the office for a re-evaluation and proper treatment.

Sutures (Stitches)

Most sutures placed are dissolvable and will not need to be removed. You will be advised if your sutures require removal.